The Foundation for Excellence
What is the Foundation for Excellence?
The mission of the Foundation is to raise, receive, manage, and distribute donations from private sources for the enrichment of the educational programs of the Owensboro Public Schools
The Foundation is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt private corporation recognized as the official fund-raising agency by the Owensboro Board of Education.
Owensboro Independent Schools Foundation for Excellence Facebook page.
Please consider making your tax-deductible donation today.
Board of Directors
Dr. Chris Gaddis - Executive Director/Alumni Relations
Dr. Wendy Duvall - Ex-Officio Member
Mr. Dave Kirk
Mr. Andy Johnson
Mr. Michael A. Johnson
Ms. Melissa Decker - OPS Board Representative, Ex-Officio Member
Dr. Mike Johnson
Mrs. Anne Baker Leazenby
Dr. Tom Maddox, Jr.
Mr. Josh Kelly
Mr. Dion Moorman
Ms. Forrest Roberts
Ms. Julia Kimbrell
Mrs. Janet Suwanski
Mrs. Minga Trogdlen