The Foundation for Excellence at Owensboro Public Schools recently awarded more than $30,000 in mini-grants to staff members that directly impact the student experience. This years mini-grant recipients are as follows:
School | Project Coordinator | Project | Amount Awarded |
Foust | Katie Hicks | Building a Bilingual Library for Students and Families | $500.00 | OPS | Amy Bellamy | Short Story Collection | $1,000.00 | Sutton | Kristin Tines, Sara Travis | Beat the Odds | $825.00 | Cravens | Logan Johnson | Student Leadership Project | $500.00 | Estes | Shannon Simon | Representing Diversity Within the Classroom Library | $325.00 | Emerson | Libby Johnson | Community & Cultural Engagement | $500.00 | OPS | Rachel Blair | iPads for Non-Verbal Students to Communicate | $5,000.00 | Sutton | Melissa Coomes | Planet Pals | $350.00 | OHS | Amy Harper | Programs and Incentives for Credit Recovery | $500.00 | iMiddle | Abby Clayton | Prop & Costume Organization | $500.00 | Estes | Ptricia Bertke | Go with the FLO...cabulary | $138.00 | Cravens | Kim Hogg, Kady Cecil | A Little Spot | $550.00 | Newton Parrish | Emmy Hamilton | Gaga for Gaga Ball | $2,800.00 | Foust | Justin Wilhite | Skate for Health | $4,000.00 | Hager | Jamie Taylor | Early Readers Make Leaders | $3,000.00 | OHS | Jennifer Luttrell | OHS BookWorm Incentives | $500.00 | Estes | Ileana Gaynor | Bilingual Literacy with Social Emotional Themes | $1,900.00 | Sutton | Kristin Tines, Sara Travis | SuperNoodle Social-Emotional Learning Series | $250.00 | Foust | Jenni Owen | Beat the Odds | $825.00 | OHS | Ashley Ayer Martin | Dance Marley Floor | $2,000.00 | OHS | Jennifer Luttrell, Tara Howard | AP Exam Yard Signs | $1,650.00 | Foust | Laura Beth Fiorella, Jo Carol Bouland | Sensory and Safe Spaces | $600.00 | Foust | Lauren Mesplay | Reader Pens | $1,500.00 | OIA | Stephanie Gray | MakerSpace Sublimation Printing | $1,000.00 |
GRAND TOTAL: $30,713
The Foundation for Excellence funds these mini-grants through donations from staff members, supporters of Owensboro Public Schools and contributions made through family planning. In total, 24 grants were awarded to staff members for projects that support the educational experience of the students of Owensboro Public Schools.
Should you wish to contribute to the Foundation for Excellence to fund future mini-grants or scholarships, contact Dr. Chris Gaddis at